October 2015 Skater of the Month

Back in 1989, the singer Michel’le released a song called “Nicety.” Some people think I'm nice, some people think I'm nasty, and if you really want to know just ask me ... And I'll say I'm nicety.

My sister once told me “You’re the nicest person I know AND the meanest!” She was right! My nickname became “Nicety”. For the most part, I'm 90% nice and 10% nasty.  On the derby track, it's the opposite (at least in my mind).

My derby number comes from the 152nd day of the calendar year -- June 1st, my mom's birthday.  In 2014, my mom passed away. At the same time, my daughter stopped playing sports after ten years -- sports that helped both of us cope with the death of her father. I was at a loss. What would I do now? Then I thought, it's my turn to do something for myself!  Just what that was, I didn't know.    

One morning, I was watching KTLA news and Gayle Anderson was doing a segment on SFV Roller Derby at The Lot. Hmm, maybe this is what I need ...  I showed up to First Date and I feel it was one of the best decisions of my life.  

The people who inspire the most are the derby skaters over 40. We all struggle at every level, but it’s inspiring to see those hard-core skaters don’t give up. Age means nothing! Practice, determination, and perseverance will prevail.  They inspire this 45-year-old to work harder, never quit, hustle faster, and never use the excuse that I'm too old to do something because I see that they can do it!  

I used to think I wanted to be a jammer -- the "star" of the team. After the Freshie Bout, I realized blocking is my strength.  I can still be one of many stars that make up the galaxy that is my team!  Go Bandits!  

Believe it or not, my favorite derby memories are all the times I've volunteered.  I truly enjoy helping the league that has helped me so much emotionally, just by allowing me to skate.  The love, encouragement and support I receive surpasses any therapy I could get elsewhere!   


September 2015 Junior Skater of the Month


Photo by Tough Girls on Eight Wheels

What is your skate name, number, and age?
EllieGator, #422, Age 9.

How did you choose your derby name and number?
EllieGator sounds like “Alligator” and the number is my birthday.
How long have you been skating?
2½ years.
How did you start playing roller derby?
I saw derby girls at the North Hollywood farmers market and they looked cool.
Do you have any hobbies in addition to playing roller derby?
Yes, acting, singing, dancing, sleeping and eating.
What position do you play or enjoy the most?
Jammer and jamming!
What do you love best about roller derby? Most fun memory?
Most fun memory are the noodle fights. I love that we get to travel!
What do your school friends and family think of you playing roller derby?
They think I’m strong and it is cool!
What would you tell other girls/kids if they asked you about roller derby? 
You get to have fun and you fall down a lot and you get to make friends.
Do you ever worry about getting hurt while playing roller derby?
Have you travelled anywhere fun or far away to play with your team?
Yes!! Vegas!!!
Do you do anything fun with your teammates off skates?
Yes! Sleepovers and get chocolate blueberries from Cha Cha Glide!!!

September 2015 Skater of the Month


My name is based after Sasha Grey, the adult film star/actress because I find women who take control of their own bodies and sexuality to be very powerful. Plus, she's a huge babe. 

I originally thought I would be more into jamming because I'm on the smaller side but I'm learning not to underestimate the power of my booty and I really enjoy hitting people! 

The freshie girls are the most inspiring people to me. It takes a lot of resilience to be new to something that takes so much practice and those gals do not give ever up. 

My first advanced practice is my favorite memory because it terrified me and I got beat up a bunch and I felt so accomplished when I survived! 

When I'm not skating, I'm a zoology student and a waitress at an 1890's-themed ice cream parlour. I also have watched the entire It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia series six times.  

August 2015 Junior Skater of the Month


How long have you been skating?
1.5 years
How did you start playing roller derby?
I knew about roller derby because my aunt plays and so do some of my mom’s friends. I also saw the movie Whip It and thought I would like to try it someday. I didn't know there was a Juniors team until my parents told me. I didn't want to play any other sports because I was afraid of being hit with balls.
What position do you play or enjoy the most?
I like all positions, but I really like when I get a chance to jam, I really like the challenge of scoring points for my team.
What do you love best about roller derby? Most fun memory?
I love being on a team that is supportive of each other. My most fun memory is skating in my real bout. I was nervous the whole ride there, but it was worth it.
What do your school friends and family think of you playing roller derby?
My friends think it's real cool that I skate. Even a few of my friends said they would like to skate one day.
What would you tell other girls/kids if they asked you about roller derby?
I would tell them that it is a lot of work but is fun and awesome.

August 2015 Skater of the Month

Photo by Matthew Becker Photography


Tell us about your name.
I'm really not very clever or "punny" in general, so coming up with a good derby name was a little difficult. My first ever bout was just two weeks away (yeah, I know. Crazy), so I needed to pick something quick. Not sure how or why I came up with Saturday Night Special, but it grew on me. I like to think my derby name found me. 

What position do you like to play?
There's no better feeling than launching a jammer off the track and recycling her back over and over, knowing you're completely ruining her day. Okay, so maybe I'm a little twisted, but it works. 

What inspires you?
As corny as it may sound, my teammates and league mates inspire me, even the freshies. I want to be the best I can be not only for myself, but for my team,and my league. My success is their success, and vice versa. 

What is your favorite derby memory so far?
After playing derby for close to six years, I have many wonderful memories and experiences, but my fondest with SFV was our trip to Australia for The Bont Invitational. Because of SFV and the OMGs, I had the incredible opportunity to play roller derby in a beautiful far away land with some of my favorite people. It was a once in a life time experience I will cherish always.

July 2015 Skater of the Month


For the longest time, I tried to find my “thing”.  I took up new hobbies — knitting, playing an instrument, starting a blog, painting in watercolor … I even wanted to become a professional dog walker. At some point, I discovered the sport of modern roller derby while watching Whip It. I was never really into sports, but something about roller derby stuck with me and I thought about pursuing it for the longest time. 

During a mild quarter-life crisis, I met a group of awesome SFV Roller Derby girls who were passing out flyers to promote an upcoming bout. I expressed my interest in joining a league, but how I haven’t put on skates since I was nine years old. They assured me it would be okay. So, I showed up to First Date

One of my (many) favorite derby memories is that very first practice where I spent two hours crawling on the floor just trying to STAND UP in skates. Even during my worst days, I’m motivated when I see how far I’ve come since then and having the support of everyone in the league. I’ve learned to get up quick when I fall on the track, and that someone will be there to catch me when I "fall" off the track.

Morticia Baddams is my darker, more sinister sister. She’s way cooler than me and definitely more of a badass. One of my favorite TV shows growing up was the 1960s Addams Family series. Slightly macabre and supernatural, I admired Carolyn Jones’ portrayal of Morticia. She had an aristocratic bearing and detachment, and was always the calm center of chaotic events. Keeping with the tradition of all things grim, my nickname is Morti – Latin for "death".

In gameplay, I love to jam– what an adrenaline rush! Blocking is really satisfying too, so picking a favorite is a hard. Going forward, my goals this season are to continue getting stronger, getting lower, and finally being able to transition into a backwards skate.

June 2015 Junior Skater of the Month


Photo by ConJobb Photos

How long have you been skating?
I started skating in November 2014 just after my 8th birthday.

How did you start playing roller derby?
My friend Ellie (Ellie Gator) talked about derby all the time at school. So me and my family went to one of her junior bouts. After the bout she told me that I had to join. It looked like fun so I decided to join.

What position do you play or enjoy the most?
We get to play all the positions in a bout but I really enjoy being the Jammer the most because I like trying to get through the pack and score lots of points.

What do you love best about roller derby?
I just love being able to skate around with my friends. I really love two on two racing in practice. I like to win!

What do your school friends and family think of you playing roller derby?
My school friends think it's really really cool and would like to join. My family encourages me to have fun and do my best.

What would you tell other girls/kids if they asked you about roller derby?
I'd tell them that it's really fun and hard work, but it's all worth it. I'd tell them to join our team The Gnarlies.

June 2015 Skater of the Month


Tell us about your name.
I have always been fascinated with aircraft and I love going to air shows. There is something thrilling about flying and the speed, agility, and stealth of aircraft. My favorite planes are from the World War II era. I chose my name after the WWII fighter plane the Warhawk P40.

What position do you like to play?
Blocker! Jamming is fun, too, but I like to hit people. Blocking has taught me to be patient, to trust my team, and to learn to communicate effectively. I am learning more and more every practice.

What made you start playing roller derby?
This month two years ago, I had made huge life changes and I needed a hobby and a  stress release to take my mind off of what was going on. Derby gave me something to think about and feel good about. It boosted my self esteem, gave me new friends, and a really nice butt! Next month (July 2015), I will celebrate my two year derbyversary!

What is your favorite derby memory so far?
My favorite derby memory is when I carpooled with Jams Dean, Bratty Heart, and Eleanor Throwsevelt to our very first Maulrats game. We arrived SO early, the Lot wasn't even open yet. We sat in the car, got out the nerves, and laughed at everything.

Pre-bout ritual?
I like to chill the day of the bout. This means listening to my favorite jams, random stretching, and drinking tons of water. I try to make sure no matter what to have fun and GO HARD because to me, that's all that matters. 


Photo by Tough Girls on Eight Wheels