Once upon a time, The President endorsed the development of the ultra crazy-powerful W-Bomb at a Super Top Secret Location. After many failed experiments and the loss of several limbs, scientists deemed the project “too powerful” and shut all W-Bomb experiments in a Super Top Secret Bunker, never to see the light of day again.

Seventy years later, the Super Top Secret Bunker was shaken by a massive earthquake! Fermented beakers, flasks with questionable content, a leftover pair of skates –– everything clattered to the concrete floor, and then –– BOOM!

Thus the RESEDA WRECKERS erupted into existence!

Through the power of science, skates, and impressive hip-checks, The Reseda Wreckers managed to escape the Super Top Secret Location and went in search of a new habitat, one where they could nurture their explosive skills and talent. They settled into The Lot in Sylmar, but found their territory under constant threat from the Topanga Maulrats, and the Balboa Bandits...

Check our upcoming bout schedule to see when the BOOMtastic Reseda Wreckers play next!

Meet the Reseda Wreckers!

Not pictured: 
GuNnEr GiNzu #1717
Rude aQUAKEning #27
Chelsea DragHer #666