Topanga Maulrats

December 2017 Skater of the Month

Photo By Vegas Shooter


Moose has been my nickname since middle school. I wanted to keep this name for roller derby since I was already accustomed to responding to it. "Rebellious" is just me being punk-rock.

I am a blocker and occasional pivot. Lately, I have been trying to learn new moves and get out of my comfort zone in order to reach my next derby goal: to make it on Team México for the Roller Derby World Cup next year. It's all I've been thinking about and I want to represent my parents' home country.

I'm inspired seeing everyone's progress on the track. I get so jolly when I see people trying new things then mastering them, whether they're Freshies or OMGs!

My favorite derby memory is the first time I heard the jammer say the words, "Someone, sit on Moose!" It was the first time I ever felt like I was actually playing roller derby effectively.

October 2017 Skater of the Month

Photo by Chuck Gay Photography


Tell us about your name.
I really wanted a name that evoked a sense of strength and confidence. I happened to be scrolling through Hulu and saw Xena, and I knew instantly that it was meant to be. Xena is the strong, independent badass that I strive to be! But I still binged it for a week, just to be sure. 

What position do you play?
Primarily blocking. I love to jam, but I am not particularly great at it. Yet. 

What are your derby goals?
Getting back on the track healthy and learning some fancy footwork from my amazing teammates.

Who inspires you on the track?
My trainers have really been my greatest inspiration. Derp, Dovah, Slam, Moose, and HardLee have pushed and supported me and always make me feel like I can do this. Let’s be honest, roller derby is hard and scary as hell. Having people behind you who take the time to help you with skills and who get you out of your head is amazing. I couldn’t have gotten this far without them.

What is your favorite derby memory?
My first Freshie Bout -- The Super Smash Sisters versus The Street Fight-Hers. I surprised myself with some of the fancy moves I pulled, especially while jamming (I even scored points!). My family and friends showed up to support me and were the best cheering section I could ask for. And then my team won! I was on a high for days because I finally felt like roller derby was something I could do and maybe even be good at.

February 2017 Skater of the Month

Tell us about your name.
The dragon is my spirit animal, a reminder that I am stronger than I think I am. I love anything that has to do with flight and I can definitely spit fire if I want! Naming myself after a Night Fury, a very unique and powerful dragon, also speaks to my love for movies and children (I’m a teacher and a mom). 

What position do you play? 
Blocker. I am strong in a wall and I love how we have to depend on each other to kill the dreams of the jammer! I still feel I have a lot to learn about the amazing sport, but each practice helps me feel a little stronger. I’m challenged to be a better skater and a better teammate because of the people in this league. 

What are your derby goals?
A huge goal of mine is to be seen as a force to be reckoned with. I want to be good enough that others are nervous when I'm in the pack.

Who inspires you on the track?
Killo may have high expectations, but she pushes you and makes you feel like you can do anything if you work hard enough. And Moose has given me the path toward extreme blocking skills and helps get me out of my head to just enjoy the game of derby. 

What is your favorite derby memory?
The home team tournament a couple of months ago! It was my first home team game with the amazing Topanga Maulrats. At one point, I found myself in front of Kat Von Reap and actually containing her. It was great because I could feel myself improving with each passing game. It was terrifying and exhilarating to play with the OMGs and everyone else in the league — and the best part was the Maulrats won!

I AM stronger than I thought I was. I CAN be a member of a team. I CAN lift others up too and make a difference. I am still growing, but I will never regret trying out this crazy sport. I will never quit.


March 2016 Skater of the Month


Tell us about your name.
My derby name comes from "Little Earthquakes" which is the title to an album and song by Tori Amos whose been a huge influence.  I think the song itself mirrors derby.  There are many moving parts that can completely tear us down if we let it, but we persevere and sometimes laugh in the wake of destruction.  There's something almost masochistic about derby, but it shows us a lot about ourselves, and it sure is fun!  My derby name reminds me to always be me no matter what and that "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."  Even a Little Earthquake can shake things up a bit!

What’s your favorite derby position?
Jamming and I have a rough relationship sometimes, but it's my favorite position because it really pushes me.  It activates a hungry, little beast in me which I like.  To be tenacious and break through a tough wall is exhilarating.  Even if I don't break through, knowing I gave it my best matters and makes me want to try harder the next time.  All of the things that go into one jam is pretty intense.  "A jammer defies the odds," as Twiggy once told me.  I like to keep those words in my back booty-shorts pocket while I jam.  Thanks, Twiggy!

Who/what inspires you on the track?
EVERY.  SINGLE.  LEAGUEMATE.  I learn from everyone that I watch and play with - my trainers, my teammates, and especially the juniors.  Those littles are fearless and can teach us all a thing or two!  SFVRD, in general, is inspiring. 

What is your favorite derby memory?
There are SO MANY, but here are 3: 

1. During a juniors practice, I worked one-on-one with a new skater who was having a really rough time and spent the first half of practice in tears wanting to quit.  By the end I had her skating on her own and laughing.  It brought me so much joy to have that type of an impact on someone.

2. I got voted as co-captain for one of our freshie expo teams, The Astronaughties, which was a huge honor.  During that bout, I got launched off my skates and into the air to where I felt like I needed a parachute before slow-motion landing in the center of the track.  I really wish I knew who hit me.  It was epic!

3)  On my very first outdoor skate with a couple of our league sisters, I skated with my derby wife for the first time (before she was my wifey, of course).  She showed up in a Wonder Woman outfit and cape and I thought, "Who the heck is this chick??" It was derby love at first sight.

What are you?
A little dweeb with a big heart who will always bleed blue and green.

February 2016 Skater of the Month


Tell us about your name. 
I am obsessed with anything Peter Pan. I have always identified with the character, not just the Disney version but the original as well. I always try to approach any new adventure or situation with child-like wonder and optimism, and I hope to always stay in touch with my inner child.

What’s your favorite derby position?
Jammer! But I've been trying really hard to be a better blocker.

Who are your derby inspirations?
Who to talk about first!? My boyfriend Jay is always proud of me when I play well and encouraging when I don't. Tokyo Takeout has been a strong motivating force for me since I started  -- always there to push me harder and to yell "DON'T TAKE THE MIDDLE!!" and "GET LOWER!!"  Twiggy Bones is not only the kind of jammer I aspire to be, but she's also been a huge help with my mental game. I still use her technique of focusing on how I want to skate and repeating it to myself before every game: "I am aggressive, I am mean, and I f*** s*** up!!"

What is your favorite derby memory?
I think one of my favorite derby memories was at one of our Wipeout games. I was jamming and I was about to beat my record for most points in one jam and from the crowd I hear a bunch of SFV skaters and supporters yelling "RU-FI-OOOOOOO!" and it really made me feel good. 

Photo by Con Jobb