December 2018 Skater of the Month

Arson Nic #77

Tell us about your name.
One of my favorite movies is Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) starring Cary Grant (one of my favorite actors!). It also helps that my nick name is Nic....

What position do you play? What are your derby goals?
I am still growing as a skater, I mostly block but enjoy jamming during scrimmage. My focus right now is becoming a better blocker for my team and hitting harder and taking them.

Who inspires you on the track?
My boyfriend inspired me to play. He knew I had always wanted to join but he gave me that final push to follow through. On the track....that's a tough one there are SO many delightful and talented humans in this league. One of the first people I met was Smacky Yao and also the first that I trained with. She never lets me give me up, she doesn't let me make excuses, she is always there pushing me to try harder and hit harder. I have a lot of respect for her and cherish the time she takes to invest in me and my developing skill. Thank you Smacky, you're a beast!

What is your favorite derby memory?
My favorite derby memory....has to be the night before I went to first date. My boyfriend brought me to the last SFV official game of the season and I met HardLee Ann Angel.

A skater flew into the crowd...into me πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ˜¬πŸ˜˜ it was so EXCITING! I was sold and that night I signed up with HardLee and started this incredible journey.