November 2019 Junior Skater of the Month

Nancy Drew Blood #1930
Age: 12

How did you choose your derby name and number?
I’m kind of a book nerd so I wanted a literary name. 1930 is the year the first Nancy Drew book was published.

How did you start playing roller derby? 
My mom used to play and it was her idea.

What position do you play/enjoy the most?
I’ve always been a blocker but I have recently started to like being the jammer more.

What do you love best about roller derby?
I’ve made a lot of really good friends playing derby.

What is your favorite roller derby memory?
Years ago, my friends and I went to junior con and got to train with Smarty Pants.

What do your school friends and family think of you playing roller derby? 
My friends and family are very supportive.