August 2018 Skater of the Month

Chelsea Dragher #666


My derby name comes from a song called Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis that I am completely obsessed with. The song is named after the lead singers wife who used the name as her burlesque stage name. Turns out it is a play on the name Brittney Spears, get it, basic white girl name, sharp object? It’s an upbeat sunflowery happy song and I suggest you all listen to it and try to not get excited! I play all positions in roller derby! In my derby career thus far, I have always tried to be as versatile as humanly possible. I feel that the more flexible you are, the better off you will be in life and in derby! Although, I’m not going to lie, I’m kind of in love with jamming! Currently my short-term goal is to build up my stamina to get onto the Fer Sures, but long term is to get onto the Like OMGs. Every single person that I have come across on this team inspires me every single day. Whether it be the girls at freshie practice who relentlessly get up each time they fall, pushing themselves harder each practice, or drooling over all of the OMGs and their amazing skating skills and extremely positive and welcoming attitude. Two specific people that come to mind when thinking about who inspires me the most on the track is Dovahkill and AmericanHurL Doll.   They are both fantastic skaters and I literally have to pick my jaw up off of the floor when I see them skate. They constantly inspire me to improve on my own skating skills so that I can get up to their level can kick my ass! My favorite derby memory is playing alongside and against my fresh meat family. I don’t think that I have ever had that much fun on the track with so many amazing people! It makes me tear up when I think about how flipping lucky I am to be surrounded by such an amazing group of people and I cannot wait for all of us to further our derby careers together!